Master in Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication
2 years
Start Date
Tuition Fee
CHF 16,000
Milano, Italy/Lugano, Switzerland
About the programme
The Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication programme at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University focuses on the intersection between the theoretical bases of cognitive psychology and those of communication applied to the context of health. Students who choose this specialization will get a strong biological, methodological and statistical training, acquiring also knowledge in management.
The Master in “Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication”, jointly offered by the Institute of Communication and Health of Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the Faculty of Psychology of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan (UNISR), presents a new joint Master’s programme through training in cognitive psychology, neuroscience and communication.
The Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication programme at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University will familiarize students with the latest research and practice in cognitive psychology and provide a modern preparation to lead and influence change in health in today’s diverse communities.
The master’s programme is designed to train students who will understand the causes of health-related behaviours and who will also be able to design new and effective interventions to prevent disease and promote health.
The entire master’s programme takes advantage of synergies and complementarities between the two Universities, USI and UNISR, and offers excellent competences in teaching and research. This Master offers a high degree of innovation thanks also to the advanced technologies available on site in the two universities in terms of high-tech equipment, data centres, laboratories, and health facilities.
Career opportunities
Psychology in Communication and Health is a rapidly growing field, which is in need of professionals to provide psychological services to those with medical illness. We anticipate that graduates from the program will work in clinics and governmental health organizations, NGOs or other health domains.
Furthermore, training in this Master program is designed to produce students who can design novel and effective interventions to prevent disease and promote health:
- Experts in beahvioural psychology in health organization
- Cognitive psychologist in health
- Experts in Psychology for Health Communication
- Expert in Decisions Planning and Organization for Public Health
- Experts in health psychology